Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Holiday makeup !!

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Happy holidays !! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas. For Christmas Day I had a very golden eyeshadow look. Below are the products I used to create it!
I used 2 different palettes. First one I used was the Lorac Pro Palette 2 and I also used the Naked Smoky palette. 
I used my all time favorite liquid eyeliner which is by NYC and for the waterline I used the Exaggerate eye pencil by Rimmel London.
The lashes are Wispies by Ardell 
And I finished it up with a bit of Stila mascara. 

If you liked this look feel free to follow me on Instagram @allthingsyulie ❤️
Until next time 😘

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christmas Gift Ideas for Him

Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday of the year. I love everything about the holiday season however, it can also cause headaches when you don’t know what to get your loved ones and/or significant other. Men are especially hard because they’re either not that vocal about it or they have everything that they could want. These gift ideas are things that have worked for me so I hope they will work for you. Also, I buy all my gifts online usually using Ebates. If you don't know what that is it's basically a way for you to get money back for shopping online. Ebates has every store I've ever needed such as Amazon, Target, Macy's, School bookstores, smaller online stores, and the list can go on and on. You can use this link Here to create your Ebates account and start shopping now. Right now a ton of stores have maximized their money back percentage because of the holidays (yay)!
Here is the list of 12 things that would make great gifts for the guy in your life. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Being Positive !! 5 Tips on Becoming a More Positive Person

 Being positive is one of the best things that you can be because it makes you stay sane throughout tough times.

Today I realized that so far the cold weather hasn't bothered me. Really random and probably strange for some of you but the reason that I am very surprised by this is because I am the type of person that absolutely hates the cold. Living in the Chicago area doesn't make it any better since our winters can be pretty brutal. Not only that but one day it can be a nice autumn day and the next it snows 10 inches (this literally happened last week). So as I was thinking about how crazy it is that it hasn't phased me, I realized that it's because lately I've been having a more positive outlook on life. I have found that being positive is honestly the best policy. 

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Yulie|23|Chicago In love with all things beauty, love, life and travel! Currently trying to find my "calling" in life one day at a time ;) Welcome to my blog!


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