Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Goals for 2016

The "new year, new me" phrase is something I definitely don't say or do. I feel as though a new year shouldn't be the starting point of someone changing their life dramatically. Instead it should be something that you can start the moment you think a change needs to be done. A new year is definitely a great starting point because you can track your progress and it just feels better than starting on a random day in October, however, if that's when you need to start then do it :)
I personally have goals that I want to implement this new year which have to do with blogging as well as my personal life and I am sharing them with you ... 

Blog Goals

  • Blog more and do it consistently. I haven't set a day where I will put out new content which is something I definitely want to do. 
  • Get better at photography and editing pictures. 
  • Start making Instagram makeup tutorials. 
  • Network with bloggers. I want to get to know other bloggers so that we can hopefully learn things from each other and help one another out. Plus, it's nice to have friends that have the same hobbies such as blogging :)

Life Goals 

  • Eat healthier and exercise more! I do an alright job at eating healthy but the weekends are my weakness for me! That's usually when I drink a few margaritas and eat food I shouldn't eat. 
  • Read more books. I love reading but this past year I didn't make that much time for it so it is one thing I want to do more often. 
  • Take care of my new puppy Zoe to the best of my ability. I recently adopted a Pomeranian, Chihuahua and Yorkie mix. She is only a puppy and I have recently noticed how much work it really is taking care of her and training her. So far it's been kinda hard but really rewarding :) 
  • Save more money! I think that is something I need to do continuously. You always need a hefty savings account in case any emergency happens.

  • Travel more! 
  • Get a new car by the end of the year!
  • Go to Generation Beauty !!  
These are all the things that I am choosing to work on for my 2016 year. I hope you all have success working on your own goals during this year and wish you all the best! Remember it's never too late to start working on something new, start a new hobby, work on yourself, etc. Make this year your best year yet! Until next time! 


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Yulie|23|Chicago In love with all things beauty, love, life and travel! Currently trying to find my "calling" in life one day at a time ;) Welcome to my blog!


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