Thursday, February 11, 2016

My Laser Hair Removal Experience

Laser hair removal is becoming a really popular trend that many have either tried or have thought about. In the fall of 2014 I decided I wanted to try out laser hair removal

on my underarms due to the fact that I felt like they were getting a little dark and I thought it was because of the hair. I have really light body hair so I really don't have a problem with it but during the summer I hated wearing tank tops because of it so I started looking into LHR. I googled places nearby and found a Groupon for 6 sessions at a local office. I looked at their Yelp reviews before purchasing the groupon and saw that it was a safe place to go to because the place was established and the doctor had so many great reviews. 
When the day came I was so nervous because I tend to overthink things which gives me anxiety and I was just scared it'd hurt. Little did I know it was going to be a quick and easy appointment. The process went something like this... 
You go into a doctors office and fill out health information like you normally would at a general Doctor. The rooms and office are usually pretty and not scary looking. These type of offices will also do Botox and fillers so they are nicer than your average doctors office. 
Then you get called into a room with a bed and some medical appliances around the room. 
I had to take off my sweater and put on some sunglasses that they gave me.
Then I laid down on the bed and put my arms up and had my hands on my head. It was really relaxing at this point. 
Then the doctor rubbed jelly on my underarms and started the laser process. 
This is where I was confused because I couldn't feel anything at first I could only hear the low buzzing coming from the machine. The laser wasn't really a laser that was being pointed at my underarms it was like a rolling ball that was being rolled around on my armpit. 
When I asked the doctor why I couldn't feel anything she said it was because it was on a really low intensity level but she could go higher so I said yes.
That's when I not only felt the heat of the laser but heard some hairs being zapped off. It was kinda funny to me and it still didn't hurt. 
That whole process took 15 minutes. 
When I left I was pretty happy because it was a lot easier than I had expected. 
I still went to 4 other sessions and after the first one the intensity always got higher but if I ever did feel pain I could've just told the doctor to lower it for me.
Overall, I loved the results and will definitely be looking forward to getting more laser hair removal done in the future. I found out that the darkness in my underarms was because of the birth control pill that I was on. I since have switched to using a lower dose so it's not much of a problem anymore. The only con I found was that your hair can still grow back. I was losing my head hair a lot a couple months ago so I started taking vitamins for hair, skin and nails and it made some of my underarm hair come back. The good thing is that it's really thin and light hair and it's only like a small patch but still. 
If you're looking into getting LHR I highly recommend it. Just look into an office with really good reviews in your area and make an appointment. I will definitely be going back to get some facial hair removed. If you guys have any questions let me know in the comment section :) 
Until next time !!


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Yulie|23|Chicago In love with all things beauty, love, life and travel! Currently trying to find my "calling" in life one day at a time ;) Welcome to my blog!


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