Thursday, January 28, 2016

ColourPop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick Review !!

So I recently purchased the Ultra Matte lipsticks from Colourpop and I have been loving them!
I was watching YouTube videos and noticed that for the "affordable" makeup looks people were using were including a lot of Coloupop cosmetics. I don't own any so I thought it'd be awesome for me to try them. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 2016 Ipsy Review !!

Hey guys! If you have been reading my previous Ipsy reviews you know I was also subscribed to Birchbox, however, they were sending me too many skin care items that I was not liking at all so I decided to cancel my subscription. I have been with Ipsy for a year now and I still love it so I will continue to be a loyal subscriber! If you want to sign up you can do so by clicking here !

Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Goals for 2016

The "new year, new me" phrase is something I definitely don't say or do. I feel as though a new year shouldn't be the starting point of someone changing their life dramatically. Instead it should be something that you can start the moment you think a change needs to be done. A new year is definitely a great starting point because you can track your progress and it just feels better than starting on a random day in October, however, if that's when you need to start then do it :)
I personally have goals that I want to implement this new year which have to do with blogging as well as my personal life and I am sharing them with you ... 

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Yulie|23|Chicago In love with all things beauty, love, life and travel! Currently trying to find my "calling" in life one day at a time ;) Welcome to my blog!


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